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reject relating to a younger and charming lady

Lost and without anyone to guide them, she and her brother decided to join the guild Hamelin to try to gain experience and levels, but the Hamelin guild masters exploited them (and other low level players) instead. After being rescued, Minori and her brother join Log Horizon and she starts studying Elder Tale's game mechanics under Shiroe, in order to become a strategist like him, but later realizes that she is in love with him, just like Akatsuki, for whom she often competes for Shiroe's affection. Her original secondary class is "Tailor" but she later switches it to "Apprentice", allowing her to become Shiroe's official disciple and learn some of his skills as well. Sexy Bikini Swimsuit How possible is dating a younger woman?Hardly would you encounter a man that would reject relating to a younger and charming lady. In fact, if i must be straight, there is NO man that doesn't feel this sensation and joy run through his spine when he has a close co

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